Contact Me
Ian E Reid
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
United Kingdom
+44 (0)7836 388396
Consulting Services
I work closely with my clients to provide consultancy that is catered specifically to their needs.
Take a look below at the services I offer & get in touch to have some fun...we can work together to see real & sustainable results.
If your business is looking at launching a new Corporate, Business or Consumer payment card or looking to improve an existing product offering then talk to me.
We can work together to develop best in class solutions that your business can be proud of & your customers will value.
My service can cover the overall wing to wing approach needed to launch a card programme or focus on specific areas of expertise that you may not have in house.
I am happy to work shoulder to shoulder with your teams to deliver the full solution to market or work solo & simply provide you with an advisory service from which to develop your own overall plan.
Business Card Services - Strategy, Product Development & Market Placement

Process Improvement & Revenue Enhancement

Sales & Marketing Strategy

Motivational Business & Career Development Talks

For many years in many business units I have built plans and strategies for reaching, engaging & converting target prospects into profitable customers.
I can work with you to harness CRM scoring and profiling to help drive acquisition, programme activation, customer engagement & customer retention.
​We can look at ways to improve the sales funnel & empower the sales teams through data analysis, tactics & objectives.
We can drill down into target setting, forecasting, budgeting & ultimately agree timelines to deliver an overall strategic plan.
​In some ways it's pretty simple, you need to know what you need to achieve - then have a plan to get there.
Simple yes but often hard to focus on due to all the noise.
Many businesses struggle with the work load mid term, sometimes forgetting where they need to be & by when.
​Let me help you drive volume into your business & maximise the potential of every new or existing customer you have.
In every business there are always numerous points of improvement that can be made, either in process efficiency, revenue generation or more often than not in both areas.
​We know this is the case however we are often too close to the day to day short term deliverables & actually 'doing the do' to clearly identify them & to do something to improve the situation.
​I can look at your business from an outside in perspective either from a high level perspective or through taking a 'lean' approach to specific areas where you are feeling operational pain.
Once we've agreed a clear & measurable objective, I utilise a 'change acceleration' model to ensure rapid implementation & sustained results.
​Perhaps there is a cost you are bearing that could be reduced or an up sell opportunity that has been previously missed.
I can look at these with you to drive more value to the overall P&L
Working for a long long time means you gather & benefit from a lot of different experiences, some are good, some are bad, some are insightful & some are just downright funny!
I'm happy to share these many anecdotes of my life in 'the real office' - always protecting the identity of the innocent & the not so innocent of course - with your teams in a formal or informal breakout session.